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Mission Statement

The mission of Responsible Preservation, Inc. is to preserve and protect environmental and cultural assets in northwest Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and adjacent areas, with a specific focus on the Wissahickon Watershed that passes through southeast Montgomery County and northwest Philadelphia County. 


In addition to the preservation of historic structures and land areas, RPI shall seek to promote and develop land use and storm water controls, based upon the principles and techniques of “impact zoning” that can be applied on a watershed wide, multi-jurisdictional basis.  In developing and evaluating impact zoning techniques, the controls and environmental parameters will include land-use, traffic, environmental (air quality, water quality and erosion and sedimentation) controls and standards as well as impact on birds and other migratory species. 


RPI will explore these concepts, tools and parameters with respect to the Wissahickon Watershed in Philadelphia and Montgomery Counties, Pennsylvania and will seek to expand the studies to other watersheds in Pennsylvania.  RPI will work with regulatory agencies having jurisdiction over the Wissahickon Creek and the City of Philadelphia’s water supply, with land developers seeking to develop environmentally and culturally sensitive parcels, and with other non-profit organizations working to promote rational and environmentally responsible land-use, storm water management and development controls applicable to watershed, including the Wissahickon Valley.  RPI will educate the public about the benefits of watershed-wide impact zoning and its effect on the environment.

Responsible Preservation, Inc. -

135 South 19th Street, Suite 200 Philadelphia, PA 19103


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